» News » Shulmeyster: people like Balczun can be fired if there is a folder with compromising material on them

Shulmeyster: people like Balczun can be fired if there is a folder with compromising material on them

Volodymyr Shulmeyster Interview for “Holos Stolytsi” (“Voice of the Capital”).

An expert Volodymyr Shulmeyster is convinced that Wojciech Balczun’s work on the position of Head of “Ukrzaliznytsia” has contributed to the fact that the flow of goods will increasingly shift to another mode of transport.

Was Wojciech Balczun’s voluntary discharge expected?

– The intrigue indeed was. I hoped, of course, that he would be dismissed. This is definitely not a voluntary discharge. He, apparently, was shown arguments that were difficult to counterpose. Therefore, in fact, he wrote a statement. I welcomed this news. As in anecdote: good news and bad news. The good news is that he is dismissed. The bad news is that now there again will be a stage of powerlessness and some acting officials will control “Ukrzaliznytsia”. Unfortunately, this is a part of the wicked practice of this government and all ministers and leaders of large state enterprises on the acting positions – this is when people understand that they are on temporarily positions and they cannot perform any strategic tasks and, in fact, they do not bear any responsibility. Therefore, this is something that is bad and associated with this event.