Starting from September 1, 2023, a new compulsory subject, “Foundations of the Russian State”, will be taught in the first year of all specialisations and forms of education at Russian universities. Year of 2022 was devoted to this course’s development, despite the constitutional ban on ideology in Russia. In form and positioning, the “foundations” resemble the “scientific communism” of the Soviet era, but in content, it is closer to the imperial triad of “orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality”. One of the main features of Russia’s transition from personal authoritarianism to totalitarianism is the emergence of a de facto coercive ideology. The main goal of this process is to ensure that the modern Russian regime continues to exist in the “post-Putin” environment.
Read more about it in the report by the Director of the “Сultural and Historical Policy” Program Serhii Hromenko.
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