Businessmen and entrepreneurs are ready to take part in the formation of the common future of Ukraine and to make demands on the work of future politicians and political parties.
This conclusion was reached by the co-founders and experts of the Ukrainian Institute for the Future and representatives of the Ukrainian Business Council during a working meeting, which was held on July 19 at the Institute. Such problems as smuggling, customs policy of the state and tax system were discussed and considered.
“There is a strategy of small victories, and there is a strategy of the future. I am a supporter of the fundamental approach, — says the head of the program “Economics” of the Institute for the Future Anatoliy Amelin
. – To build a house you need to have a complete project. We have inherited this “low-cost obsolete apartment building” from the USSR. The building itself will not change much if we will do the undercoating and redecoration. As well as the situation in country will not change if we only make redecoration of the old system. We can make a lot of such modernizing reforms. But we will not receive energy-effective skyscraper made of glass. Therefore, our idea is to create one unified project for the future development of the Ukrainian economy until 2030. This will be the foundation for all the future changes. Countries that do not have such a strategy become donors of resources for those that do have this strategy. Today export makes half of the Ukrainian economy, 80 % of exported goods is raw material.”
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