Tetiana Yushchenko

Тетяна Ющенко

Expert of the reforming the law enforcement and judicial systems program of the Ukrainian Institute of the Future (UIF). Head of the Department of the Ukrainian Bar Association in Chernihiv region, founder and chairman of the Public Organization “SOCIAL LEGAL ALLIANCE”, partner of the project Lawyer.ua.

Yaroslav Pylypchuk

Ярослав Пилипчук

Expert in economic analysis and transport infrastructure of the Ukrainian Institute for the Future (UIF). He was professionally engaged in writing economic researches, developing of business plans for investment projects, developing of financial models, writing the analysis of land use for entrepreneurs from the EU.

Vladimir Shulmeister

Володимир ​Шульмейстер

The head of the program “Infrastructure of the future” in the analytical center “Ukrainian Institute for the Future” (UIF). Mr. Shulmeister used to be a first undersecretary of Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine and still is a Ukrainian top manager and political figure.

Мykola Skyba

Микола Скиба

Expert of the program “Education” at the analitical center “Ukrainian Institute for the Future” (UIF). He headed the education and training program at the civic organization “Cultural policies agency”. Mykola Skyba is also a founder of educational platform “Next Generation Business School”. He is a moderator of a strategic initiatives’ platform “Culture2025”.

Oleksii Pavlenko

Олексій Павленко

Director of Program for Agro-Industry Development at the analitical center “Ukrainian Institute for the Future” (UIF). He graduated from National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”. He received an MBA at Nyenrode Business School (Netherlands).