» News » Amelin: Naftogaz can set a precedent for Ukraine regarding the fight for the Crimea

Amelin: Naftogaz can set a precedent for Ukraine regarding the fight for the Crimea

Interview “Channel 5”

Naftogaz is doing very correct actions in regard to Russia, which does not expose representatives to this court and tries to defend itself without recognizing jurisdiction. In fact, for Ukraine this will be a very important precedent, despite the fact that this is a corporate dispute that means the compensation for losses caused to a legal entity, namely Naftogaz of Ukraine, by means of withdrawing its assets. The amount of the claim is not large -2.6 billion dollars. But the very fact is a precedent, because there is no serious claim from Ukraine against Russia on damages caused by the annexation of the Crimea. It is the loss, not a compensation for what was taken, but namely loss with the preservation of Ukraine’s right to return its territory back, and the same concerns the eastern territories. Therefore, this corporate dispute, in case of its positive decision and the recognition of loss in this amount, opens possibilities for Ukraine as regards such claims.