» News » DEFENSE BUDGET 2020



The real needs of the Armed forces will be underfunded by 50 per cent?

The real needs of the Ministry of Defense

The main problem areas of the Armed Forces today:

  • guaranteeing competitive salaries for military personnel;
  • provision of housing for military personnel;
  • the need for rearmament;
  • the need for the formation of emergency stocks;
  • completion of the programme for the survivability and fire-explosion safety of arsenals (ammunition depots).

The formation of emergency stocks

Military property of emergency stocks is military property which is intended for use in the special period and during peace-time is on long-term storage in military units.

Formation/updating of emergency stocks – 36 billion UAH

Programme for survivability and fire-explosion safety of arsenals

Completing the implementation of the programme for survivability and fire-explosion safety of arsenals (ammunition depots) – 12 billion UAH

Provision of housing for military personnel

The mere construction of modular towns – 100 billion UAH.


The main problem areas in the Armed Forces connected with providing weapons and equipment are air defense, combat aviation, and the navy.

Only 20-30% of aircraft is in the serviceable condition today. Ukraine is not producing missile systems capable of providing air defense yet.

From the total amount of needs of General Staff for 2020 (about 220 billion UAH), the weapons should be 40%, that is 80-90 billion UAH.

Viktor Plakhuta, the expert on the reform and development of the defense industry and defense procurement system of the Ukrainian Institute for the Future

First published: Liga.Blogs