Expert of the program “Education” at the analitical center “Ukrainian Institute for the Future” (UIF)
Mykola Skyba graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, having obtained a degree of “historian”. While studying in doctorate at the Department of Ethnology he analyzed the theme of transformation of traditions and self-organization processes in local communities of XIX – XX centuries. He is the author of several publications on these topics.
Research experience
In 2006 – 2007 Mykola Skyba was a Senior Consultant at the National Institute for Strategic Studies in the field of cultural policy.
He headed the education and training program at the civic organization “Cultural policies agency”. Mykola Skyba is also a founder of educational platform “Next Generation Business School”. He is a moderator of a strategic initiatives’ platform “Culture2025”.
Mykola Skyba is a participant of several international projects; in particular, he is a National Coordinator of the EU and the Council of Europe COMUS Project, an expert on creative industries of the Program of the EU “Culture and Creativity” of the Eastern Partnership.
Areas of his research interest include changing the education paradigm in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, problem solving approach in schooling, forming the competences of the future, lifelong learning, and sustainable development of personality.
You can invite an expert for an interview by calling: + 38 (044) 537-17-78, +38(063)5860215.
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